Graham's funeral will be held on Wednesday 6th May 2020.

Due to Covid restrictions, Graham's funeral will be a small family affair.  

We fully intend to celebrate Graham's life more fully and more widely when circumstance allow in St Edmunds Church Taverham.

You are welcome to join a webcast of the service on Wednesday 6th May 2020 at 13:15. Please put the following web address, username and password into your web browser.

username: st.5855

password: 155991

You can test this now, and the site recommends you join ten minutes before the service to make sure your connection is working. It will also be available for 28 days after the service. 

You can also see the order of service at the following link. 

Donations to either of our chosen charities would be greatly appreciated. Graham was a trustee for Nelson's Journey in it's early years, and believed in the work they do for young people.